NCAAF Football ranking calculation

W Wins against FBS (Division 1-A) teams
L Losses against FBS (Division 1-A) teams
GWF Good Win Factor (see below)
BLF Bad Loss Factor (see below)
OW% FBS Opponent's Win Percentage
OOW% FBS Opponent's Opponent's Win Percentage

Calculation (add up all the following and divide by number of games)
W 1 Point per win
L 0 Points
GWF (Win Percentage of Opponents Beaten ** 2) * 3 * W Point difference also taken into account (see below)
NOTE: No points given to wins against FCS (non-division D1A) teams
BLF ((1 - Win Percentage of Opponents Lost to) ** 2) * -9 * L Point difference also taken into account (see below)
Losses to FCS (non-division 1A) teams 5 times the BLF
OW% FBS Opponent's Win Percentage
OOW% FBS Opponent's Opponent's Win Percentage

Point difference:
Prior BLF and GWF being calculated, one more factor is taken into account, how close was the game.  Teams are not rewarded for blowouts, but are rewarded for winning games in regulation by more than 8 points.  This mutliplier is as follows:
Any Overtime game 1.0
Regulation game 1-3 point difference 1.1
Regulation game 4-8 point difference 1.2
Regulation game > 8 points 1.3

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