NCAA Football : Series Records : Alabama vs. NON-FBS teams (all games) - pick an opponent


Birmingham HSBirmingham HS 3 3 0 0 3 100.0 47.7 0.0 1892/11/11(W) 1902/10/10(W)
Birmingham ACBirmingham AC 4 1 3 0 -2 25.0 6.5 4.8 1892/11/12(L) 1893/11/04(L)
SewaneeSewanee 30 17 10 3 7 61.7 16.5 9.6 1893/11/11(L) 1938/10/22(W)
Tuscaloosa ACTuscaloosa AC 2 2 0 0 2 100.0 11.0 2.5 1897/11/13(W) 1899/10/21(W)
Montgomery ACMontgomery AC 1 1 0 0 1 100.0 16.0 0.0 1899/11/11(W) 1899/11/11(W)
New Orleans ACNew Orleans AC 1 0 1 0 -1 0.0 0.0 21.0 1899/11/25(L) 1899/11/25(L)
Taylor SchoolTaylor School 1 1 0 0 1 100.0 35.0 0.0 1900/10/21(W) 1900/10/21(W)
MarionMarion 9 9 0 0 9 100.0 53.6 0.0 1902/10/13(W) 1922/09/30(W)
CumberlandCumberland 1 0 1 0 -1 0.0 0.0 44.0 1903/11/14(L) 1903/11/14(L)
Florida(Club)Florida(Club) 1 1 0 0 1 100.0 29.0 0.0 1904/10/03(W) 1904/10/03(W)
NashvilleNashville 1 1 0 0 1 100.0 17.0 0.0 1904/10/24(W) 1904/10/24(W)
Pensacola ACPensacola AC 1 1 0 0 1 100.0 10.0 5.0 1904/12/04(W) 1904/12/04(W)
Maryville (TN)Maryville (TN) 3 3 0 0 3 100.0 13.3 0.0 1905/10/03(W) 1907/10/05(W)
CentreCentre 3 2 1 0 1 66.7 11.0 5.7 1905/11/09(W) 1924/11/15(L)
SamfordSamford 21 20 0 1 20 97.6 31.9 1.6 1906/10/13(W) 1944/10/07(W)
WetumpkaWetumpka 1 1 0 0 1 100.0 27.0 0.0 1908/10/03(W) 1908/10/03(W)
Tennessee-ChattanoogaTennessee-Chattanooga 14 14 0 0 14 100.0 40.7 5.8 1908/10/31(W) 2023/11/18(W)
HaskellHaskell 1 1 0 0 1 100.0 9.0 8.0 1908/11/20(W) 1908/11/20(W)
Union (TN)Union (TN) 4 4 0 0 4 100.0 34.0 0.0 1909/10/02(W) 1925/09/26(W)
Birmingham-SouthernBirmingham-Southern 10 10 0 0 10 100.0 47.1 1.2 1910/10/01(W) 1925/10/02(W)
Washington & LeeWashington & Lee 1 1 0 0 1 100.0 9.0 0.0 1910/11/24(W) 1910/11/24(W)
DavidsonDavidson 1 1 0 0 1 100.0 16.0 6.0 1911/11/30(W) 1911/11/30(W)
Mississippi CollegeMississippi College 7 7 0 0 7 100.0 40.4 1.4 1913/11/01(W) 1929/09/28(W)
CarlisleCarlisle 1 0 1 0 -1 0.0 3.0 20.0 1914/12/02(L) 1914/12/02(L)
Alabama SouthernAlabama Southern 1 1 0 0 1 100.0 80.0 0.0 1916/10/07(W) 1916/10/07(W)
2nd Ambulance Corps of Ohio2nd Ambulance Corps of Ohio 1 1 0 0 1 100.0 7.0 0.0 1917/10/03(W) 1917/10/03(W)
Camp GordonCamp Gordon 1 0 1 0 -1 0.0 6.0 19.0 1917/11/29(L) 1917/11/29(L)
Southern Military AcademySouthern Military Academy 1 1 0 0 1 100.0 59.0 0.0 1920/09/25(W) 1920/09/25(W)
CaseCase 1 1 0 0 1 100.0 40.0 0.0 1920/11/27(W) 1920/11/27(W)
Spring HillSpring Hill 3 3 0 0 3 100.0 37.3 2.3 1921/10/01(W) 1940/09/27(W)
BrysonBryson 1 1 0 0 1 100.0 95.0 0.0 1921/10/15(W) 1921/10/15(W)
OglethorpeOglethorpe 2 2 0 0 2 100.0 37.5 0.0 1922/10/07(W) 1933/09/30(W)
PennsylvaniaPennsylvania 1 1 0 0 1 100.0 9.0 7.0 1922/11/04(W) 1922/11/04(W)
FurmanFurman 5 5 0 0 5 100.0 32.0 3.8 1924/10/04(W) 1960/11/05(W)
MillsapsMillsaps 3 3 0 0 3 100.0 51.7 0.0 1926/09/24(W) 1944/10/14(W)
RhodesRhodes 2 2 0 0 2 100.0 38.0 3.0 1927/09/30(W) 1932/09/24(W)
George WashingtonGeorge Washington 3 3 0 0 3 100.0 28.7 2.0 1932/10/08(W) 1937/10/23(W)
St. Mary's (CA)St. Mary's (CA) 1 1 0 0 1 100.0 6.0 0.0 1932/12/05(W) 1932/12/05(W)
FordhamFordham 2 1 1 0 0 50.0 3.5 4.0 1933/10/28(L) 1939/10/07(W)
Loyola (LA)Loyola (LA) 1 1 0 0 1 100.0 13.0 6.0 1936/10/24(W) 1936/10/24(W)
MercerMercer 5 5 0 0 5 100.0 39.2 4.2 1939/10/14(W) 2024/11/16(W)
Pensacola NASPensacola NAS 2 2 0 0 2 100.0 41.0 3.0 1942/10/10(W) 1945/11/24(W)
Georgia Pre-FlightGeorgia Pre-Flight 1 0 1 0 -1 0.0 19.0 35.0 1942/11/28(L) 1942/11/28(L)
Keesler FieldKeesler Field 1 1 0 0 1 100.0 21.0 0.0 1945/09/29(W) 1945/09/29(W)
DuquesneDuquesne 3 3 0 0 3 100.0 40.7 4.7 1947/10/11(W) 1949/10/07(W)
Delta StateDelta State 1 1 0 0 1 100.0 89.0 0.0 1951/09/21(W) 1951/09/21(W)
VillanovaVillanova 1 0 1 0 -1 0.0 18.0 41.0 1951/10/12(L) 1951/10/12(L)
TampaTampa 1 1 0 0 1 100.0 34.0 6.0 1960/11/19(W) 1960/11/19(W)
RichmondRichmond 1 1 0 0 1 100.0 66.0 0.0 1961/11/11(W) 1961/11/11(W)
Wichita StateWichita State 1 1 0 0 1 100.0 38.0 0.0 1979/10/06(W) 1979/10/06(W)
Western CarolinaWestern Carolina 5 5 0 0 5 100.0 53.4 4.6 2004/09/18(W) 2019/11/23(W)
Charleston SouthernCharleston Southern 1 1 0 0 1 100.0 56.0 6.0 2015/11/21(W) 2015/11/21(W)
CitadelCitadel 1 1 0 0 1 100.0 50.0 17.0 2018/11/17(W) 2018/11/17(W)
Austin PeayAustin Peay 1 1 0 0 1 100.0 34.0 0.0 2022/11/19(W) 2022/11/19(W)
Last updated: January 20, 2025
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